Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Don't Want to Be With the 99 in the Wilderness Pt. 1

  • Perhaps you remember Scotty, our local UPS driver here for two years. He is 45 years old with a family and was recently diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). They do not know how long he has to live. A benefit chicken dinner and auction(s) will be held at the Rodeo of the Ozarks at 5 PM on Saturday, February 5, 2011. Tickets to the dinner are $8 each for adults. All proceeds go to paying Scotty's medical bills. Cally Shelly for further details.
  • Sean Hunt is getting his Christian movie The Swingset into the Grove Cinema 6 on Thursday, January 13 at 4 and 7 PM. 
  • Warren said that Ozark Water is not getting enough business, so if anyone wants water or air equipment, come on down!

Praise Reports:
  • Nellie is well enough to be back at work again!
  • Richard was encouraged by what a coworker told him about keeping things in perspective on a very busy workday, "Thank God that you're able." 
  • Shelly (and presumably Roy as well) was blessed with a Great Pyrenees puppy.
  • David and his workers have a lot of construction and auction work on their hands, praise the Lord!
Prayer Requests:
  • Mary has carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • David severely pulled his hamstring the other day, but is recovering well.
  • Please encourage Roy and Julie, they need God's help at this difficult time.
  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)
  • Local chicken tycoon Donald Tyson died recently. Pray for his family and friends.
  • Pray for Shelly's quick recovery from a bad case of poison ivy.
  • Elaine is still fighting a kidney infection.
  • June's brother-in-law (Joyce's Uncle Bob) is struggling with COPD after his recent open-heart surgery.  
  • Brandon is going back to JBU, pray for a wonderful, faith-building semester for him.
  • Shelly's brother, Bill, is going through a painful divorce and really needs to find the Lord.
  • Warren and Mary's son Paul did divorce his wife. Please keep them in prayer.
  • Vanessa's mom is struggling with her blood pressure and sugar.
  • Pray for Vivian's good health.
  • Vivian's Uncle Sylvane is battling cancer and recently lost his wife. Please pray that he would turn to the Lord.
Vernon brought us the message last Sunday.

Sheep in the Desert, originally uploaded by Rennett Stowe.

We've really messed the word "church" up. Breaking it down in the original Greek we come up with the phrase popular meeting. This doesn't mean that there is a congregation and a pastor who acts as a sort of "mediator" between the lay-people and God. "Church" can also mean calling out. The question is, what is God calling his people out of?

In Luke 15 with the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus talks about the shepherd who left his sheep in the open field or wilderness. That's a pretty strong and unsavory thought for us 99ers. If we want to be near the Father at all times, and if He is out looking for the lost sheep, then maybe that is where we should be too, instead of in the wilderness. But what does that look like, practically?

God is speaking to us all the time, we just need to listen. As Vernon was driving to church last Sunday he passed by some large, swanky houses and thought, "How can I reach those people for Christ?" The word that came to his mind at that moment was lukewarm. Not a very good word to hear from the Lord. But he felt no condemnation. Are they lukewarm, then? 

What does the word for "lukewarm" mean in the Greek? It means "tepid". Think of it this way: you sink into a big bath of warm water (not freezing cold water, not burning hot water). What happens? You tend to feel relaxed, sleepy, and comfortable--not a good state for a Christian to be in. Comfort is our enemy! Jesus would have us be hot or cold (Revelation 3:15). In Revelation 3:17 it speaks of this kind of Christian and how Jesus would spit them out of His mouth. 

What does this word for "spit out" mean? It means to vomit. A very strong word. Do you think you may be in danger of Jesus vomiting you out of His mouth? Then go to the Lord about yourself. Christians need to be zealous (passionate, earnest). What was Jesus' first message after His time of tempting in the desert? He said to repent (Mark 1:14). What does the word "repent" mean? Well, in the Greek it means "think differently".  

We need to have pure motives and expect 0% in return for our Christian service. Jesus says that we are "wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked (Revelation 3:17)." We are simply vessels for God to pour in His love and for us to pour it out to others. What was Jesus' second command after His time of tempting? "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men (Mark 1:17)." The word for "fisher" comes from the word for "salt" (as in "the salt of the earth," Matthew 5:13). Salt can bring out the flavor of Jesus Christ, or it can be overpowering and draw attention to ourselves. Pouring out God's love is our only job.We can reach people this way. They should hear Him instead of us. 

To be continued...

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