Pam could come to church!
- Both the Rogers and Augustins got good settlements on their insurance claims.
- The Augustin family had an awesome time in Nashville.
- Vernon thinks he may have found the business mentor he's been looking for!
- A door has opened for Rebecca, praise the Lord!
Prayer Requests:
- Warren and Mary will be traveling to Cancun! Pray for their ease and safety.
- Dixie's doctor said she might have two months, two weeks, or today to live. Praise God that she feels ready to meet her Lord, and pray that her example will be an inspiration to her friends and family that will bring them all closer to God.
- Roy's nephew has cancer. Please pray for his whole family, and ask wisdom for Julie as she goes to visit them; may she bring them comfort.
- Elaine's sister-in-law, Bridgette, is in the hospital again. Please pray for her, her husband, and her 7 year old son.
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William Blake [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
The disciples asked Jesus three questions (Matthew 24:3):
- When will this (every stone thrown down) happen?
- What will be the sign of your coming?
- What will be the sign of the end of the age?
Jesus answers their first question in verses 4 to about 25, the second in about 26-35, and then the third question from 36-44. The parable of the ten virgins dovetails into the end of chapter 24, so this is a futuristic parable. A further connection is the correlation between Matthew 24:36 and Matthew 25:13. This is how things will be at the end of time.
The "lamps" the women were carrying were probably torches dipped in oil, which usually burned for about 30-40 minutes. These women were waiting for the bridegroom (read about the Jewish wedding traditions here), but some were prepared and some were not. This is obviously a parable of preparedness.
But preparedness for what?
When you think about it, all of the women were sitting there, all had their torches, all were waiting. They were just like the church today--we all know that Jesus is coming back and we're waiting for him. However, Jesus is giving us a little hint about the time to come. Only five of the women had prepared for delay. They knew that the bridegroom might not come for a very long time, but they were in it for the long haul. All of these women were invited to the wedding feast, but five were cast out into the darkness. After reading the Bible for some time you will probably come to the conclusion that however loving, sweet, and gentle our God may be, He is also very punctual. He invites us, warns us, prepares us, but when He says it's time, it's time.
Before we leave this parable, notice one thing. Every woman fell asleep. Now, that probably doesn't mean that they "fell asleep in the faith", it just symbolizes the realities of life. Jewish women got up early and worked hard all day; they were tired waiting up until the middle of the night! At the end of time we don't have to be caught on the African mission field, hurrying and scurrying and doing everything just right. Jesus understands our weaknesses and just wants us to be prepared and fit for His return.
Widow's Mite - Ancient Roman Bronze Coins originally uploaded by IronRodArt
Matthew 25:14-30 If we say someone is "talented" then we usually mean that they have been given a lot of something (skill, creativity, etc.). God doesn't want us to bury those blessings! He meant them to be used for Him. We must be accountable for our privileges. At the end of the age we must be prepared to give an account to God showing that we did something with His investment in us. In verse 25 the wicked servant thought he was doing well by saying, "You have what is yours." But our Lord is not satisfied with getting back exactly what He gave. The master called the wicked servant "lazy". The man was scared of his master's expectations and the risks that investment involved, so he took the easy way out. There are great risks in investing (the only way to make more money is to give it away in one form or another), but perhaps even if we "lose" everything, it only matters that we tried, and He will still say "well done, good and faithful servant". I believe that if we try to produce an increase then He will bless it and we'll have something to show in the end.
And isn't it wonderful to know that He gives us tasks in proportion to our ability? We are all individuals, so He deals with us differently, but even then, the same thing is expected from all of us--faithfulness. We must show faithfulness to take what is given us and increase it. The coolest thing, though, is why God is looking for faithfulness and increase. It's to bless us even more (vs. 21)!
Application: Want blessings? Take risks.
, originally uploaded by T U R K A I R O.
Matthew 25:31-40 It is often overlooked that this parable is directly related to the previous one. What should the servants have done with their increase in wealth? Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, invite strangers in, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit prisoners. The servant who buried his talent couldn't share its produce with others.Selfishness is the root problem of sin. Even babies know the word "mine". At the end of the age it will be seen if we lived unselfishly--acting on behalf of the distressed. Every time you get the chance to give to others, put Jesus's face on them; do unto the "least of these" as you would do unto Him.
Now we don't have to get naked in order to clothe others. Just look at what you've been given and give of your increase. Jesus has given us a radical new concept: the purpose of wealth and success is to give away even more!
In the end, we must be prepared for delay, faithful with what God has given to us, and living unselfishly.
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