- Johnny Lee is now at Youth Bridge, and has talked about embracing God and becoming a different person! Pray that the Lord would nurture this seed and that Johnny would come fully to Him.
- Rita and Charlotte are now at Concordia, and Violet is winding down from the recent stress.
- Dixie is still holding her own at home.
- Remember Carla Bowers--the mother of 5 with bone cancer
- Levi and James Paul are undergoing military training in the Mojave Desert for three weeks.
- Sandra's son Adam is graduating from basic training and plans to marry his girlfriend Lauren! Pray safe journeys for Sandra as she travels down for his graduation.
- Brittany and Anthony Bird had a wonderful visit to see friends in Northwest Arkansas, and are still enjoying themselves in Eureka Springs.
- Roy had a good day on his postal route!
- The Rogers have a new cleaning account, praise the Lord!
- Pray for Sandra's son, John, who may be coming to live with her. Please pray for wisdom and guidance.
- Lydia and Vernon are flying to England on Saturday to join Mark and Lydia in Liverpool. Please pray traveling mercies for them.
- Kyle Kirkland is a local kid who was in a serious accident and is now paralyzed from the neck down. Please pray for his complete restoration, and for his friends and family.
- Pray for Ken and Pam Childers, as Ken recovers from the surgery that removed his tumor.
- George, Sandy's sister Annie's widower, is going through a period of grieving. Please remember him.
- Vivian's mother is suffering from neuralgia in in her jaw. It recently got so bad that she had to go to the emergency room.
- Robin Loveless, who is suffering from breast cancer, will be undergoing major surgery and chemotherapy.
- Amy Stone's cousin Christy's dad passed away recently, and the family is devastated
- Remember Mary, Pam, Byron, and Markus.
- Kim has been having some painful headaches lately.
- Please pray for all those affected by the terrible disasters that are plaguing our country and world.
- Lift up our nation, and our leaders. Pray that the Lord will bring revival to our land.
- Angie Kyle's dad passed away.
- Preston, Joni's boyfriend, has a father in ICU with what may be lung cancer.
- Aaron and Joel are interested in joining the volunteer fire department. Please pray guidance and blessings on them.
Candles in the dark, originally uploaded by Rob Milsom.
Once again we dive into the question: why did Jesus come to earth? We know that He didn't come to start a new religion, change the political scene, oust the Romans, etc. In John 9:39-41 He said that He, "came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind." He also said, "I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness," in John 12:46.
Though Jesus said that He did "not come to judge the world, but to save it (John 12:47)," He also said that He had come into this world "for judgement (John 9:39)," and, "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." How are all of these verses consistent? What exactly did Jesus mean?
First of all, Jesus is the "Light". The Light comes into the darkness, and the Light is the Savior of the world. The consequence of that Light, however, is the revealing of what once was hidden by darkness--the evil deeds of men, hidden in ignorance. This is automatically a judgement on sinners. The purpose of Jesus's first coming was to bring Light to the world: bringing salvation to sinners, blinding the self-righteous.
How many kinds of people are mentioned in John 9:39-41? I suggest that there are three:
- The Blind
- Those who See
- Those who are Blind but think they See (ex. the Pharisees)
If Jesus is our "CEO", our discipler and leader, and we follow Him, we should be emulating Him. He said, "I am the light of the world." Each of us should also take that as our personal motto, "We are the light of the world."
The lighting emporium doesn't need another candle. If you intend to shine brightly for Jesus, go to a dark place where a light is needed. We "have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32)."
What would it change in your everyday life if, besides your daily responsibilities, you made the effort to be a light in dark places: loving people despite their sins and shedding light even when criticism was the result?