Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sunday, May 25 Updates

I'm very sorry that I haven't been updating the blog with sermon notes; school has kept me busy lately. I am still taking notes though, and storing them up until I have time to transcribe them.

Thank you for your patience!

  • Byron Bristol's memorial service will be held on April 1 at 4 PM. There will be no potluck for lunch, but there will be a potluck dinner after the memorial service. Please bring extra food for visitors.
  • The Wonder Tour 2012 will be held June 24-29. They need young volunteers; a training weekend will be held on May 18-19. Harbor House will be hosting another Cajun dinner to raise funds for the Wonder Tour.
  • On Easter Sunday, April 8, we will have a sunrise service at the cross. Arrive at the cross around 6:15-30 (yet to be decided). Please bring your own chair. We will have a potluck breakfast afterwards!
Praise Reports:
  • Julie had a great time in Texas with her grandbabies, and returned safely.
  • June's biopsies all came back negative!
  • Sharon shared an awesome song she wrote, with lyrics made up entirely from titles of songs in our hymnal.
  • The Augustin's goat delivered safely. One girl kid died, but a boy survived. 
  • Cassie and Zach bought a house and property just outside the city limits.
  • James got Byron's old yellow pickup truck working; it's like a tribute to Byron driving around the Harbor House property.
  • Norma was involved in a nasty car accident, but as of right now we do not think anyone was seriously injured.
Prayer Requests:
  • Belinda's uncle--His cancer has moved into his bone marrow. He is taking it as God's will and enjoying the time he has left. 
  • Belinda's daughter and son-in-law need a place to live and jobs.
  • Malachi--had more tests run on his cyst and is undergoing surgery on Friday to drain it. Greg and Jamie have driven to North Carolina to be with Trent and Emily.
  • Sharon's daughter Christy and grandchildren--God's presence and love
  • Richard's daughter Julie and her husband Dan--speak to them and let them know God's presence; peace with health problems.
  • Warren and Mary--may they be reunited
  • Our culture--may light shine in the darkness
  • The upcoming elections--may truth be made known
  • Lori Rogers--May she have peace after her husband Jimmy's (Shirley's cousin) death. 
  • Sandy and Johnny Williams
  • Mary--peace of God rest on her, give her a sense of purpose. May God's will be done in her life. 
  • Dwayne, Aubrey, Sylvane, Robin, Mark, Frank--may cancer never bear fruit again

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