Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jesus' Five Gifts

What gifts did Jesus promise to give us? Surprisingly enough, we don't find that many in the Bible. Sometimes spiritual blessings are said to come from the Father (such as the Holy Spirit), but as far as specific gifts from the hand of Christ, there are more or less five. These gifts tell us what is really important in life, and what we humans really need. 

photo credit: ben

1. Soul Rest

Matthew 11:28—His gift to us is rest. This means that we can sit down in the inside and stop striving! God isn't like a harsh boss who's impossible to please. We get so messed up in this life, looking for love and approval, striving to be worth something. This is what Jesus offers us! Lay down your yoke and pick up His. It is far lighter. 

2. Defense for the Truth

Luke 21:13-15—Jesus said that He would defend Himself to the world, that's not our deal. It is for us to bear witness to the truth, and then He will do the work of convincing others of it. We don't have to worry about bludgeoning others with the facts, arguing our point convincingly enough and coming up with the right proofs. Jesus has promised that he will take care of that.

3. One Commandment

John 13:34-35The idea of "a new commandment" sounds like a burden, but it's actually a gift. Instead of the huge body of laws from the Old Testament, Jesus gave us one commandment: love one another. If we love then we have satisfied the Father's heart. How refreshing!

4. His Peace

John 14:27Jesus was in a lot of troubling circumstances during His life on earth, but whether He was on trial, or in danger of stoning, or in a boat on a stormy sea, He never lost His peace. And He has given us that precious gift. We can choose to be Velcro or Teflontroubles can stick to us or roll off. There is no circumstance in my life, no matter how traumatic, where I can't take this peace of Christ. 

5. Eternal Life

John 4:10-14, John 6:27, John 5:21More than anything else, Jesus says that He will give us eternal life, that living water that becomes a well inside. This is a special new life that we can experience here and now, but the key is that this life knows no end. It is the only thing that makes this life on earth worth living.  

Remember: Gifts are useless unless we use them. Have you ever been given a gift card and forgotten to use it, or only used a little of it? As much as $41 billion in gift-cards has gone unused since 2005. That money was a gift, but didn't do the recipients any good. A gift isn't a gift unless it is received and utilized. We have to take advantage of Jesus' gifts.

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