Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday's Update - September 12, 2010

  • Authorities have apprehended a Colorado fugitive who is a suspect in three attempted murders. The fugitive - 32-year-old Jeramy McCauley - was arrested around noon on September 13 in a wooded area near Route F, about four miles south of Anderson after a three day manhunt.
  • Paul's brother had an MRI but needs a biopsy to be sure of his condition. Pray it goes well. 
Praise Reports:
  • Christin's wedding was amazing! This whole week was a blessing to many of us.
  • Ken and Joyce had a good time visiting family in Iowa and had a safe trip back.
  • Paul and Ruby are enjoying their stay here.
  • Elaine's brother and sister-in-law are doing well.
Prayer Requests:
  • Remember Joyce's family in St. Louis as they grieve over the loss of this young man who took his own life.
  • Frank Sims, the young man with leukemia, has been told by doctors that it can be cured after two years of misery. Pray that the Lord will accomplish this without misery to the praise of His glory!
  • Shelly's friend Sherry has a son, Ryan, who is suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder after being in the military overseas. Remember them in your prayers. 
  • Julie is going to Texas to visit her children and new grand-baby, pray traveling mercies for her.
  • Keep Rebecca in your prayers. 
Cleanup Crew:
  • On September 19 our helpful cleaners will be David, Shirley, Greg, Sandy!
Sermon Notes:

Matthew 6:2, 5, 16When you give, when you pray, when you fast. GPF. These are things we need to be doing. By doing practical things to nurture our spirit we create an environment of faith and grow our seed of faith.

Matthew 6:4, 6, 18Always do these things in secret and God will "reward you openly". This has the same connotation as a paycheck, being paid for your work. Perhaps God pays us in faith, and every time we exercise that faith through GPF, our faith is strengthened. 

Acts 10:4. Cornelius gave gifts to the poor and his prayers were answered. Do we want to miss Heaven's paycheck? Giving is a privilege and an exercise of faith. Like the parable of the talents, if we use it it will grow. We give what we have away in faith to to get rewarded by more faith.
R.G. LeTourneau was a great Christian businessman who started by tithing 10% of his income, then 20% then 30%, and so on, until at the end of his life he was living on %10 of his income and couldn't spend even that! This is an example of what can happen to us spiritually, if not always financially. 

It is by faith that we do the "stupid" acts of praying in secret and fasting. All of this looks like utter foolishness to the world. 

GPF is something just about anyone can do. If we do a little the we get a little faith, if we do a lot we get a lot of faith. It's a direct relationship. Also like the parable of the talents, the more we earn, the more responsibility is given to us.  

Remember, none of this works if we are unforgiving. God owes us nothing if we are like the wicked servant and do not forgive the debts of others.