Thursday, November 11, 2010

Finish Your Race

Sermon Notes:

Hebrews 11 -- These Hebrew Christians are weary and tired. Our mountain-top experiences cannot sustain us through the valleys.

Hebrews 10:32 -- Remember that after your enlightening, you stood your ground in a great contest. After being saved you were strong. You need perseverance, endurance. We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

 It is as if we are in an arena being watched by a cloud of witnesses--men and women of faith who have passed on watching people of faith who are pushing toward the goal. We all act differently when people are watching us. We make decisions in order to not disappoint others; we try to be good examples.

Hebrews 12:1 -- This "cloud of witnesses" is the people of faith listed in chapter 11.

Hebrews 11:39 -- These people were commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. Our greatest struggle--walking by faith—is that it is almost guaranteed that we will not see the realities of what we have hoped for in our lifetimes.

Our heritage spans form Adam to when the trumpets sound. While we are on the playing field we are a little part—if we are expecting to see the fulfillment in our lifetime then we may set ourselves up to lose our faith. Our mountaintop experiences are wonderful but the valley is coming. We need endurance--like a runner in a marathon.

It is wrong for us to expect god to give us some "goosebump moment" as a reward for faithful service. Our reward is that we get to go to the finish line and join the cloud of witnesses and encourage the next group of runners. Abraham, Jesus, many mountaintop experiences--encounters with God--did they have? About three each! The people of Hebrews 11 were walking with Jesus for years, and if they didn't get a steady supply of mountaintop experiences, why should we think we will?

If God fulfills His promises years, generations, thousands of years later, he is no less faithful.

Going from one thing to another—books, teachings, seminars, etc.—is normal for God’s people. We are moving toward the promise (the finish line), going forward all the time. Jesus is watching and we are to look to Him for encouragement.

Don’t fall short of the finish line; ours is a little part of a big picture.
Ours is a little part in a Shakespearian drama.
Ours is a few notes in a symphony orchestra.

Persevering through life and crossing the finish line with our faith intact is the goal.