Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jesus' Two "Musts"

Praise Reports:
  • Ken's cornea transplant went well and he is doing better than expected! Continue to pray that his body will accept the cornea and that there will be no fungus left.
Help others like Ken; become
an organ donor here:
  • Joyce had a safe trip to St. Louis and back.
  • David went to the doctor and finally found out the cause of his coughing--his blood-pressure medicine. Thank the Lord that he now knows the problem and it can be remedied.
  • Hannah and John celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary!
  • Hans went to a fantastic concert and was really blessed by it.
  • Mary and Warren have a beautiful new car!
  • Roy and Julie are officially empty-nesters once more; Rebecca made it safely to Texas with the kids. 
  • Trent has his orders: he will be stationed in Fayetteville, NC this December! That much closer to home :)
  • Christin and James will be able to live together in Little Rock in eight months if Christin doesn't go to Afghanistan in June. 
Prayer Requests:
  • Warren and Mary are going to visit family in Pennsylvania for a week. Pray safe journeys for them.
  • Remember our leaders.
 Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction;
   pay attention and gain understanding.
I give you sound learning,
   so do not forsake my teaching.
For I too was a son to my father,
   still tender, and cherished by my mother.
Then he taught me, and he said to me,
   “Take hold of my words with all your heart;
   keep my commands, and you will live.
Get wisdom, get understanding;
   do not forget my words or turn away from them.
Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
   love her, and she will watch over you.
The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom.
   Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
Cherish her, and she will exalt you;
   embrace her, and she will honor you.
She will give you a garland to grace your head
   and present you with a glorious crown.”
-Proverbs 4:1-9
Sermon Notes:

How many times do you think Jesus says the word "must" in scripture? As Lord and Creator of the universe, you'd think that he would say it a lot. Look at our own American government, how many times do they give outright orders? 

The fact is that, while it is often implied,  Jesus only said "must" twice.

When someone says "must" we tend to rebel. It would be okay if the person speaking recognized that we have some control and authority in the matter, but the word "must" means, no bones about it, it's an order. The Greek for this word is related to the phrase "bound up", like a colt bound to a post, the disciples being able to bind on earth and heaven, Jesus's hands being bound, etc. It means that we have no choice in the matter. 

John 3:1-8 

Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be born again. What does this mean? Well, we are spiritually dead until the Spirit breathes life into us. "Born again" could be translated "born from above." Jesus just says that it's like the wind.

2 John 4:4-24

Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that we must worship in spirit and in truth. What does this mean? Spirit is more than mere form and liturgy. There must be substance, purpose, spirit in our worship. Truth is simply what is true. 
Also in this encounter it is revealed that we don't have to worship in a specific place or on a specific mountain. We need to express our adoration for the Father everywhere, all the time. 

This is the way of meekness. It's hard to be proud if you are constantly on your knees worshiping God. 

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